Remote News Gathering

Breaking news can happen anywhere at any time, and there is nothing more important than getting the story on the air quickly. However, while traditional remote transmission of news offers exceptional quality, it comes at a very high price.

Recently, using Skype or similar low quality video over a cell phone connection has emerged as a popular alternative, the quality, latency, and video-audio synchronization are all terrible.

The latest trend is to set up dedicated, internet connections to where news happens often – for example the courthouse, airport, university, or seat of local government. The improvements in internet technology mean that connections of several megabits are both easy to subscribe and very affordable.

Pelican fits perfectly into this new paradigm.

Upon arrival, the crew only needs to plug Pelican's Ethernet output into the wall and they are on the air!

Pelican retains all settings even when powered off. Furthermore, the simple web GUI lets you make quick adjustments in the field without losing time.